Many applications in waterjet cutting, laser cutting, grinding and deburring
Exact processing results with systems by gKteso
In industry, there are numerous applications requiring waterjet cutting, laser cutting, grinding and / or deburring. Precision, efficiency and cost saving at an equally high demand for latest technology are requested so that, for example, the supplier industry, automotive industry or foundries remain competitive and withstand international competitive pressures. gKteso responds to companies‘ requests for appropriate, contemporary technology for their applications with innovative systems and machines for waterjet cutting, laser cutting, grinding and deburring.
Waterjet cutting separates various materials
A variety of different materials can be separated with waterjet cutting systems: From metals to ceramics up to carbon and composite materials. The consistency of the material determines, whether it is cut with pure water or with an additional abrasive. Generally, metals such as titanium, steel, brass or aluminum are processed with finest quartz sand as abrasive material. The cutting of complex, multidimensional work pieces made from steel, aluminum or also composite materials with automated systems by gKteso for waterjet cutting provides best results with exact edges.
Laser cutting systems for precise cuts
There is hardly any material that high-performance lasers do not measure up to. According to this, systems by gKteso for laser cutting are the perfect alternative to waterjet cutting systems for certain tasks, such as steel plates, stainless steel constructions or complex work pieces from the mold construction. Once they are confronted with the laser beam, their substance gives way and the work piece processed is cut precisely. The variety of objects that can be cut with lasers ranges from heavy to light-weight, from thin to thick. Hereby, the size of the cutting edge can be chosen as required.
Clean edges with the use of deburring cells
Smooth, burr-free edges have become ever more important in the processing of various work pieces. Accordingly, an increasing focus is on deburring as one of the production steps. With its deburring cells gKteso offers a technology solution that meets and exceeds the requirements. There are two different processing approaches: The tool-guided and the work piece-guided deburring. Systems by gKteso for deburring are capable of both. You have questions about water jet cutting, laser cutting, grinding and deburring with the innovative technology by gKteso? Then give us a call or write us.
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