Many applications are perfectly realizable with laser cutting systems by gKteso
Laser cutting systems are suitable for various applications
Applications, realizable with laser cutting systems by gKteso, are as numerous as complex. gKteso’s customers, coming from the supplier industry, machinery and plant engineering or aerospace industry, need to process three-dimensional workpieces with laser cutting systems. The machines for laser-cutting are globally in operation and process almost anything, from mirrors to pipe sockets up to braces of car doors.
Powerful laser-cutting
Hardly any material can withstand a powerful laser beam. Thick steel plates, hard stainless steel or diamonds – in laser-cutting the substance gives way and the workpiece to be processed is separated. The variety of objects that can be cut with laser cutting systems ranges from light-weight tot hick or heavy material. Hereby, the size of the cutting kerf can be chosen as required. The material’s properties determine the thickness of the substance to be cut. Steel may have a thickness of up to 40 mm, stainless steel up to 50 mm and aluminum up to 25 mm. Copper is not suitable due to its heat conducting characteristics. Whoever desires to drill precise holes into plastics, paper or stones is optimally equipped with laser cutting systems by gKteso.
Material is strongly heated in laser-cutting
In laser-cutting, the material heats up that strong as to cause melting or vaporization. Once the workpiece has been completely pierced, the actual cutting process may begin. Laser cutting systems by gKtech with high-quality controls and multi-axis alignment are designed to permit cutting exactly where it is needed. This is beneficial to numerous applications.
The choice of the laser depends on the material
In laser-cutting, the laser beam moves along the desired parts contour, melting the material as it goes. Hereby, the cutting gap is not much wider than the laser beam itself. Due to the heat generated during laser-cutting, any deformations at the cut kerfs are not always avoidable. Therefore it is substantial to prove beforehand, whether the material tends to liquefy, vaporize or oxidize during the cutting process. The test result will determine the type of laser to be applied. A CO2 Laser is employed in the processing of carbon (CFRP) and PUR-foams, a green laser for cutting glass, a solid state laser for steel or aluminum. The precise cutting results are particularly convincing in the serial production of car displays or medical devices. You have questions in regards to the applications in laser-cutting and laser cutting systems by gKteso? Then give us a call or write us.