Two-wheel industry picks up speed rapidly with gKteso
Waterjet cutting and laser cutting for complex components
The two-wheel industry is enjoying growing turnover figures, increasing the throughput in production companies and in the supplier industry. Efficient production processes such as waterjet cutting and laser cutting that precisely cut even most complex components in line productions are more than ever in demand. The success curve of the two-wheel industry is based firstly on the increasing costs for individual mobility, but also on ecology and environment protection issues. Increased health awareness, changes in urban and suburban individual traffic as well as people’s travel behavior have been additionally contributing to the updraft in the two-wheel industry.
The two-wheel industry reports rising sales figures
Nowadays, bicycles are more than just low-cost “zero-emission-vehicles” from the two-wheel industry. Bikes are considered as fitness devices and also have a beneficial influence on bicycle tourism. Accordingly, the supplier industry reports rising sales figures: Bicycle parts, components and accessories are in high demand more than ever. Only a few years ago, the motor bike industry complained to some extent about a strong decrease in new registrations. However, since 2014, all capacity classes that are subject to registration have been reporting a trend reversal.
The two-wheel industry shows increase in production
These trends have substantial consequences for the two-wheel industry. Steel, titanium, carbon and numerous mixed plastics are flowing into the production of bicycles and motor bikes. These need to be designed, cut and ground as fast as possible and in top-quality. gKteso offers machining centers for serial two-wheeler manufacturing that can be easily integrated in production lines.
Bicycle helmets are cut with systems by gKteso
Multi-axle waterjet cutting systems ensure multidimensional cutting of steel, aluminum or carbon, of which not only frames, wheel rims or mirrors can be cut and trimmed. Also parts of bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets or armatures enter into the production flow after having been processed, cleanly tilted and precisely cut with the cutting systems by gKteso.
Multidimensional waterjet cutting and laser cutting
Aside from systems for waterjet cutting, there are also technology solutions for the laser cutting of various materials, allowing multi-axle processing of even complicated structures, due to their CNC control. For the production of two-wheelers, gKteso’s portfolio is rounded off by high professional deburring cells and grinding machines. You have questions regarding the offer by gKteso for the two-wheel industry, waterjet cutting, laser cutting or other possibilities to process components for motorcycles and accessories for bicycles? Then give us a call or write us.